Live Free 40-Day Neuro Empowerment

Program Benefits

With us you don't just learn things. And you don't just do different things. You think differently and you experience the world differently.

  • Remove blocks by finding and changing unhealthy neuropathways.
  • Maximize neuroplasticity to develop a powerful and constant neuro flow.
  • Live free and create. Actualize your vision.

Membership Detailed Breakdowns & Comparisons

Basic Membership

  • 40-Day Neuro Empowerment Program, accessible from web and mobile app.
  • Daily Brain Upgrade video with integrated daily actions.
  • Neuroscience based morning and evening routines that build momentum and prime your brain for flow state.
  • Extensive library of resources and tools.
  • Facilitator and Participant forums.
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Premium Membership

  • Everything included in the Basic Membership.
  • Unlimited program access - go through the program multiple times with a different focus.
  • A private mentoring session.
  • Exclusive community forum of like-minded creators and thought leaders.
  • Early access to all advanced material.
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What People Say About Live Free

Caroline M, Personal Trainer

Completing the Live Free 40 Day program was by far the most influential thing I have done for myself. The ways that it taught me about my brain and how to access its full capacity and potential have completely freed my way of thinking. I have noticed that I do not fall into my old toxic thinking cycles/habits as often anymore and because of this, I feel my marriage, friendships, career and even self-esteem have greatly improved. It is all so well researched which I appreciate because you know it’s not just someone’s opinion – it’s backed up by science. My only regret is not doing the program sooner. Thank you Transcendous!

Lincoln H, Grad Student

Transcendous has unleashed my true potential through mindfulness. Their unwavering support and expert guidance transformed my life. With personalized techniques, I gained clarity, resilience, and a deep sense of purpose. Joining their community was a game-changer. If you're ready to unlock your potential, Transcendous is the catalyst for extraordinary growth and a life-changing journey.

Jaya J, Software Engineer

In situations where I find myself reacting with sadness, anger, or frustration, the principles and skills I've learned through the Live Free program have taught me how to reframe the situation and shift my perspective into other more positive possibilities. This act of changing my mind has brought amazing peace and joy into my life.

Mallory J, Educator

After completing the Live Free program I am able to recognize what holds me back and I now know how to reframe them. It's feels incredible to have such a powerful tool to help me reshape my life!! I don’t feel limited by old beliefs, and with this freedom I can actualize my goals. I hope everyone learns to Live Free!!

Leann S, Nurse

Thank you Bryson and Karen for your study and work to make this program. I am very excited about my new tools that will help me have more skills as I continue to practice them. I do feel that I am in confined state less now than when I started. THANK YOU! Live Free!

Program Outline

Create a free account to view the 40 Day course outline. This will help you decide which membership option is best for you.

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